Editorial Guidelines

Our editorial team reviews all press releases carefully before it is distributed. This ensures that content is presented in the acceptable PR format and is newsworthy. The press releases must be spam-free and not have a promotional angle.

PR Content

The content must have relevant and timely information about a recent development in the organization, such as the launch of a product or service. It can also be about a milestone achieved like an award or anniversary or an annual event such as a seminar or a conference. The news message must be stated in the headline, and the PR content must suitably expand on the headline.  as not everything is newsworthy.

Tone of the Content

A Press Release must always be written in the third person context. Only the quote should be in the first person and marked clearly with inverted commas. The language and the tone must be informative, not high-pitched or promotional. The content must not have any industry jargon, as readers may not be familiar with these terms. The content must be proofread multiple times to avoid expensive errors.


The facts, figures, and information quoted in the PR must be accurate.


Press releases must contain a valid email address and phone number in the contact information.


The length of PR content is generally restricted to 500- 700 words. A lengthy press release can have distribution issues. A press release that’s too short may have problems getting indexed by search engines.

Spelling and Grammar  

The press releases should be free from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.


Press releases should not contain HTML tags, tables, or forced line breaks. Avoid using capital letters in the content.

We Do Not Distribute The Following: 

  • PRs with an advertising tilt or aims to sell something
  • Content seeks to harm or defame a person, company, or institution.
  • Content with sexually explicit products or materials.
  • Content with a high density of keywords and phrases is stuffed deliberately to influence search engines.
  • PRs presented in the form of general articles, blogs, or letters.
  • PRs that use template content or copyrighted content from other websites.
  • Content created with the intent of harming a person or group.
  • Content promoting personal opinions or racism, violence, bigotry, or hatred.
  • PRs promote gambling or link to fantasy sports or online betting.

Some other types of PRs that we do not distribute

  • Weight Loss Products:
  • Health Supplements
  • Sexual Enhancement Products:
  • Quick Money Schemes or Get Rich Schemes
  • Stocks and Shares Recommendations

We reserve the right to remove press releases containing unnatural inbound links via participation in paid link schemes. We will review press releases regularly to ensure they meet the search engine guidelines.